Friday 1 April 2016

Hair DIY - Dryness and Damage

Hello my sweets! So glad it is the weekend, hope you all have something fab planned whatever it may be. For all who follow me on social media and know my hair is super long, I was asked what I use and how I keep it healthy. I recently had my hair bleached so I thought I would share this easy DIY hair mask which is made from all ingredients you have at home. Now guys I'm not a hairdresser, I do this to my own hair and have never had any problems but we are all different, so just a little disclaimer before I get into it.. 

Hair dryness is a complete nightmare, I'm naturally dark brown and I've stayed that way for quite a bit to let my hair grow and have a rest from harsh products. I have been blonde before and before I got my hair bleached I forgot how drying it can be for my hair! There is over the counter products, shampoo's, conditioners etc but there is one solution I turn to to rejuvenate and rescue my hair and that is eggs, olive oil and honey!

Hair is mostly made up of proteins and amino acids which means this combination is perfect for boosting the hairs supply of necessary nutrients. An egg yolk contains so much protein as well as fatty acids and vitamins that will help your hair get back to its once strong, healthy self. Depending on how long/thick your hair is, you will need 2 egg yolks, 2 teaspoons of olive oil, 2 teapoons of makuna honey. Now my hair comes down to just above my bum, I have lots of hair but its thin so this is how much I use, but if your hair is much shorter you can just stick to one of each or add another if your hair is thick. Let it soak in for about 30 minutes, then rinse off.

I know a lot of people save the egg whites and use them as a face mask to tighten and shrink pores however I've never done this so I cant really comment or pass my judgement. I really feel that this hair mask works wonders! I've mentioned before on my blog how good makuna honey is and all its benefits, anytime I do this mask it leaves my hair soft, shiny and full of life. I'm not sure how often to do this, but if you have just had your hair bleached or done anything damaging which has dried it out, doing this a few times will 100% go a long way. Its far more purse friendly than going to the salon and paying for deep conditioning treatments etc!

There you go guys, please let me know if you try it and what you think of it! I'm sure you will all be loving it. I think it is important to give your hair rest from time to time, don't wash it as often. Let your hair do its own work and absorb its oils back in! Thanks so much for requesting guys, hope you all have an amazing weekend! Until next time..


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  1. I have very long curly hair and it does get dry,so i feel ya. I heard about the egg yolks but i have been a bit reluctant on put that into my hair, but thinking of giving it try now.

  2. This sounds really good, but I'm not sure I could deal with the smell.

    - Elodie x

  3. Sort of remember my mother doing something along these lines, we raise chickens so have lots of eggs and rest of the ingredients.

  4. I didn't knew that the egg yolk is good for your hair. Definitely suggesting to my sister since she has damaged hair. Thanks a lot! :)

  5. Great tips. I'll definitely be giving them a go. It love shinier hair and mine gets super static all the time.

  6. Eww I can't stand raw eggs, but maybe I'll give it a go... thanks for the tip!

  7. Thanks for sharing this recipe. I really have dried hair. My problem is that i don't have makuna honey. Can I use another type of honey?

  8. Hmm I've never heard of these methods before. I did hear about Makuna honey but never heard of mixing it with eggs. Must be extremely sticky and gooey but if it works, it's definitely worth a try. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Good I don't have to worry about my hair coz I'm half bald now. Yes, I've heard of egg yolk and heard that it works.

  10. I love how natural this is but like some people have said I'm sure I'd like the scent! I need to try it though. I'm blonde but a natural brunette and after years of color treatment my poor hair hates me!

  11. This very mask I owe my beautiful long hair ! Works miracles , you are right!

  12. I have been blonde for some years, so I understand what dry hair means. I have been letting my hair grow long and natural for over 6 years now, so I don't have any dryness. But I will try this mask, because all hair need a special treatment from time to time. And I love homemade masks! You may want to take a look here:

  13. I am blonde but I always take really good care of my hair because of that. Hair masks, oils and special shampoos work great for me!

  14. Definitely need to show this post to my mum! Thanks for the post!

  15. I also have long hair but not nearly as long as yours ; ) I will have to give your natural hair mask a try and perhaps save the egg whites to tighten and diminish my pores like what you've mentioned. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Great tip! I'm wondering if I could add a little essential oil to help change the smell of the hair mask? But otherwise, this sounds like something I need to try, because I do have dry hair.

  17. I love how natural that is. I am a germaphobe and got food poisioning as a child from raw egg, I cannot stand raw egg so I could not use it as a face mask or hair mask. But I think it's cool some people can!

  18. I wonder how raw egg would smell in your hair and face?! but maybe witnessing the results will be worth it : )

  19. I've got so many split ends and really dry hair from dyeing it so I should definitely try this out!

  20. Important topic and helpful ideas! Especially after winter... I have very long hair and now it looks dull and dry.
    Thanks fro sharing!

  21. Thanks Ms.Byrne for this awesome mask. This is just in time when I am having a hair fall, dont know why? can you plz Help.

  22. Ohh this is a thrifty hair mask. I have chopped my long hair recently and it made my hair dry. I'll try this one this coming weekend.
