Wednesday 3 February 2016

Workout On The Go

Hello loves,
Firstly I would like to say thank you for all your support on starting my new blog and the reception you gave my first post, it means a lot! I have received quite a few look requests for my next steal that style which I have been working on so stay tuned. Today's post is going to be about something I'm very often asked about; working out when you are always on the go. Now everyday life can pull us all in different directions and it's very understandable that not everyone has the time or even funds to attend the gym or the gruelling gym classes. Excessive cardio sessions and spin classes aren't for everyone, wouldn't it be ideal do get a full body workout at home? Well you can! My first 'working out on the go' is all about PILATES. 
For those who aren't familiar with Pilates, it aims to strengthen the body in an even way with extra emphasis on your core, general fitness and wellbeing. Pilates also improves posture, joint mobility and flexibility. Celebrities such as Ashley Greene, Cameron Diaz and Megan Fox are self confessed Pilates lovers and I think it goes without saying, they all have enviable figures! In 2009, Kate Winslet declared that her stunning, curvaceous figure was down to 20 MINUTES of Pilates a day following the birth of her second child..

20 minutes a day?? Sign me up!

Now I wouldn't say I'm obsessed, however I have added Pilates into my daily workout for the last couple of months and it is showing some great results. Having a dance background I've always been fairly flexible, however it has worked miracles by toning me up. It might just be me, but I feel it also chills me out, similar to yoga. When I do my Pilates I turn to nobody else but my girl Cassey Ho!

For those who haven't heard of Cassey, she is practically royal in the fitness world. I have been a follower for quite some time and her YouTube videos are my go to, they are just the best! Another thing is Cassey gives options during her videos for beginners, so she doesn't just throw you in at the deep end which some instructors tend to do. I have listed my favourite workout of Cassey's at the
bottom of this post as well as her social media/blog info.

To conclude, I have became a Pilates lover! I think it's a great daily workout if you feel like you have no time after work or for all you terrific mums who only have a certain amount of time once the little ones are sleeping. It's 30 minutes out of your day and what's more, it's great to do at home and how comforting is that. Following Cassey's guidance will have you feeling right believe me. With that in mind, I'm not saying doing 30 minute Pilates will make you your target size overnight, obviously having a well balanced diet, drinking plenty of water and getting enough rest plays a key part. It would be so ideal if whilst we were eating a bar of chocolate, the calories would just burn instantly by our jaws moving though wouldn't it?! Joking aside, Pilates if done correctly and consistently, will be very beneficial to your body.
 So why don't you give it a try and see if it works for you? I would love to hear your results! Leave me a comment or email what you would like to see in my next workout on the go. Thanks again guys and have a lovely day.


Instagram - kerryobyrne 
Email -

Cassey Ho ;
Instagram and YouTube -blogilates
My favourite video - 
Blog -

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